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Boys Don’t Cry

The statistics surrounding mental health are harrowing enough but the statistics surrounding men’s mental health are positively devastating. Yet, in a way, they are also unsurprising. It is the dated notion that talking about your feelings or, even worse, crying, are not masculine that is killing the men of our society.

This week there has been the high profile campaign of positioning 84 statues of men on the rooftop of the ITV buildings in London to represent the 84 men who commit suicide in the UK every week. It’s a bold and moving statement which encourages us to face the seriousness of this problem. The need to appear strong (for it is assumed being emotional is a sign of weakness) is causing the men who do require support to not reach out and it must be addressed.

Poor mental health is a HUMAN condition. It is as common and as unforgiving as the flu and our mental health should be as easy to discuss as our physical health.

There are a number of charities that are specifically working to encourage men to open up and provide ways in which they can build a support network.

Brothers In Arms (see more details in our resources page) are a Scottish charity who have recently launched their own app. The app is clinically proven to detect, prevent and treat common mental health conditions. Click here.

Andy Mans Club is a weekly support group for men where they are encouraged to come along and talk. They are held across the UK with currently two locations in Scotland, Perth and most recently Dundee. Find out more here.


Boys Don’t Cry by The Cure

Image by Caishnah Nevans

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